Chloe's Tales Program

Chloe's Tales aims to help students struggling with their literary skills by providing private tutoring sessions in an comfortable atmosphere free from criticism and peer pressure accompanied by a trained therapy dog.  In this environment students are free to read at their own pace while being encouraged by a loving and non-critical Canine Reading Ambassador.

Chloe's Tales can be applied in a variety of manners:

Weekly tutoring sessions at school:  Sessions typically last 15 minutes each where participants choose their own book at appropriate levels while getting to know and develop a relationship with the same visiting Canine Reading Ambassador.  Teachers choose the students they believe will most benefit from these sessions and the tutor will keep them up to date on their progress through weekly and/or semester progress reports.

Weekly tutoring sessions in private homes:  Private tutoring sessions in the home can take place in 30 minute to 1 hour sessions with tutor and Canine Reading Ambassador.  All reading materials are provided by the tutor.  Sessions will include reading time at the appropriate level followed by interactive activities to further encourage comprehension skills.  Sessions will be recorded so that progress may be shared with parents.  Please contact me at for more information and tutoring fees.

Library events:  These type of sessions can take place monthly or as one-time-events.  Typically there will be two teams consisting of a handler and therapy dog so that more students can be involved.  Events can take place from 2 to 2 1/2 hours with 10 minute reading sessions per student.  Prior to the event teachers and/or librarians will choose the students they believe will benefit the most from these  sessions so that appropriate reading levels can be provided.  During the sessions students will get a chance to meet and greet their participating Canine Reading Ambassador, choose a book at their level, receive a sticker at the end of their session along with a chance to give a special treat to their therapy pup.

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